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Showing posts with the label recession


    Pic courtesy : Pixabay The World is looking at us. We have the centre-stage. Its time to Shine!      As we enter the third wave of the pandemic, we should not forget our experiences and lessons learnt from the first two waves. Rule No.1 in handling most stressful situations is "DO NOT PANIC". The clarity in thought must be there and all steps must be taken consciously after much forethought.       Lets look at the facts straight, shall we? Its a flu virus (one of the many) which has mutated/evolved and has spread globally. In 90% cases, it is presenting as asymptotic/mild or moderate disease. The overall mortality from the Infection is less than 2% (Total Cases Worldwide - 30.5 Crores, Deaths - 54.8 Lakhs) . The worst thing the Infection can do is kill us. Loss of every life is painful - both for the healthcare professional as well as for the near and dear ones. No doubt the measures to contain the spread should be there, but if we accept this mortality rate and get on wi