Pic courtesy : Pixabay
Fitness is defined as "the quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task".
Going by the above definition, being fit is able to carry out a task or an act effectively. The standard of fitness varies with a person's age but we have many examples around the globe showing people achieving feats which appear impossible at their age. So age is just a number in the mind.
Getting Fit
If one has become overweight or obese by any reason, I feel if the person gives it a deep thought how did he reach there, he himself will get an answer. Overeating, not carrying out any activity, depression... The reasons can be many... But the mental block can be broken by carrying out any activity.
Some rules are straight out simple :-
1) Calories burnt (energy expenditure) should be greater than the calories consumed (energy consumed) if you are trying to lose weight.
2) You will have to do some physical activity to burn those calories.... Any Physical Activity!
Understanding the First Rule
Well, its self-explanatory, but you have to feed it strongly in your mind. If you realize you have become obese by over-eating then the first thing is to stop consuming excess food. I don't propogate any specific diet or type of foods, but i would say your regional diet (grandma's recipe) is best, only check the Quantity you are consuming. You dont have to full the tank everytime. Fill only what is required. Its good to eat only for survival and fueling up your body. "Anything in excess is poison". Its better to eat your food like medicines or you will have to eat medicines like food. Eat whatever you like but in moderation.
Also, the thing which we feel after eating, i.e., Satiety... Check this feeling also. If you keep overfeeding your body, the body will get used to it and will achieve satiety late. Its a good principle that after eating you should keep a little space left in your stomach and don't eat till the level of satiety. Its good to keep a little hunger left after having a meal. The body will get used to the small feeds you give it.
Timing of meals.... Well there are many suggestions from different sources>>> 6 times a day, 3 times a day, Intermiitent fasting and what not... Choose whatever fancies you... You should opt for something which you can hold onto for a life time... According to me, our biological variations play a role here and you should choose a timeplan which suits you. You have to make up your mind, the body will follow you. And Mind is a wonderful Servant, but a terrible Master.
Optional:- Fasting >>> Fasting once a week would be a great choice in the long run as it helps in detoxifying the body and giving rest to your stomach (and gastrointestinal tract). Fasting has many benefits including even prevention of cancer (from certain studies), but I will suggest it will give you a good feeling if you do it regularly once a week >>> It gives a light and fresh feeling and is a good change from routine. By fasting I mean, either having one meal at the end of the day or having just fruits or fluids (milk, tea, coffee, juices) throughout the day. It is challenging to keep a total fast (not having anything throughout the day), but you can opt for it if you are upto it.
Decoding the Second Rule
Again, its self-explanatory, but you have to make it a ritual. You are burning calories at rest also by your basal metabolic rate. But to be fit and burn the excess calories, you will have to choose a physical activity and carry out daily like a ritual. The activity you choose will determine the level of fitness you achieve.
The least that is expected of you or mandatory by medical standards is >>> 30 minutes a day x 5 times a week.
Any physical work under the Sun will help you in burning calories... The activity may range from doing the dishes and cleaning your house to mountain climbing and scuba diving. The physical activity you love will be the best to choose as it will help you to loose the excess weight easily. Also, choosing an activity which you can escalate with time will be better as the body gets used to doing the same routine daily. Choosing a Sport helps in this matter... You will become fit and develop a Game at the same time... Same for a Dancing Style.
Over the years and during your lifetime, you can move from one physical activity to another as you make your movement from one goal to another.
So, which activity you choose is upto you, but you will have to choose something and stick to it on a somewhat daily basis.
I will list some activities here, but the list is endless:-
1) Household chores (Cleaning/ Dusting/ Doing Dishes)
2) Walking/ Walking Up and Down Stairs/ Running/ Swimming/ Cycling/ Yoga (Breathing Exercises and Asanas,i.e, Body postures)/ Dancing/ Aerobics/ Zumba/ Body Weight Exercises/ Weight Training ... Note that you don't need a partner in these activities... But it is always preferable and nice to have someone.
3) Any Sport - Tabletennis, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Rugby, Hockey, Baseball, Badminton, Tennis, Olympic event sports...
4) Sex 😱
.... Any physical activity Dear!
Helpful Tip : Visualization
The Next Time You Look in the Mirror.... Don't see what the Mirror is showing You... See What you Wanna Be and How you Wanna Look.... Keep That Image in Mind and See that image everytime You See the Mirror.... You Will Reach There...
Believe and Have It! 🙏🙌
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