"Bad Habit"
1) Understanding Your Enemy
2) Motives to Quit
3) What happens in Nicotine Withdrawal
4) Your weapons against Cravings
You are reading this because you have decided to do away with smoking but you will have to understand first how you have reached here and what lies ahead in your war against smoking.
Understanding the Enemy
When nicotine enters the body either by smoking or chewing or snorting, it is absorbed into circulation and travels in the blood stream. It mainly acts on the Brain and the Adrenals. In the brain, it causes the release of the hormone Dopamine and on the adrenals it causes the releases of Norepinephrine. Both these molecules give the "Kick", which makes the person to light up everytime. When the level of nictoine decreases some hours after having a cigarette, the person feels the craving again to maintain the nicotine levels in the body.
Cravings :- To maintain the right level of nicotine in the body you feel the urge to smoke >>> Then it becomes a habit >>> And before you know it, you are badly addicted to it.
With years of smoking, this practice of lighting up a cigarette is badly woven into the meshwork of life.
With time, you link it to many events and things in your life. Like, I smoke because it makes me calm... I feel happy... It helps me reduce stress... It helps me concentrate and focus better... I need it after meals... I have to take it to for bowel movements... I can't live without smoking >>> I Love Smoking
But all it is, is a bad habit and nothing more.
It starts with you smoking the cigarette, but later on the cigarette is smoking You!
So, You have decided to Quit.
Good Start!
You need a break from it!
But You will need strong reasons or motives to do so
Your reasons are important because they will prevent your from lighting up the cigarette, the next time you have a craving
MOTIVES (Prepare Your List)
The larger the list and stronger the reasons... The better you are at kicking the habit.
This list is personal and you will have to prepare your own, but I have some suggestions:-
- I feel handicapped, because I need this external thing to live my life which is not true. I am complete in myself. My body has everything to live this life and I don't need any external thing.
- The cigarette makes me weak
- It affects my stamina
- It kills my will-power
- It weakens my health, I m better off it.
- It kills my sense of awareness.
- It affects my relationships, kills empathy.
- It is a waste of time, energy and resources.
- It is an outright stupid thing to do.
- And so on...
When you quit your body will have changes because of nicotine deprivation. These changes are there and they are strong depending on the duration and the frequency at which you were smoking. But the silver lining is that they can be faced psychologically with a strong mental make up and certain "weapons" that I will suggest later. So, what are these signs and symptoms:-
Insomnia... Later on fatigue and over sleepiness (Depends)...
Increased apetite
Headache... Heaviness in head
Mood swings
And many more... you can google the list...
Your WEAPONS against Cravings
A craving for a cigarette usually lasts around 5-10 mins... So do any of the following to kill the urge-
- Drinking Water (Keep yourself well hydrated)
- Quick snack (preferably healthy), munch something
- Listen to music/ Draw/ Paint/ Write an article/ Pursue your hobby
- Search some work to do around house or office which you have been procrastinating.
- Short bout of exercise/ Yoga/ Deep breathing/ Climb up and down stairs
- Review Your Reasons
So Decide a Date and Quit
First 3 days (Toughest)
7 Days - 2 weeks (Testing Times... Dont light Up)
N.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever
Months passed...
A Year crossed... (You have achieved a Miracle!)
A few examples, there will be many... You will make your own personal list.
- A Healthy You
- You will have more time for carrying out work
- Your will-power and dedication will improve
- Your stamina will improve
- Your sense of awareness and other senses will enhance
- Your productivity will increase
- Your relationships will be better
- You will not be a slave of nicotine
- And So On...
All the Best... May the Force be with You!
Nicotine Chewing Gums have been helpful for some in their battle against Smoking. Click here.
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